Hi all! Just Lindsay today...
Both Tim and myself follow an assortment of bloggers - from general lifestyle, to specifically healthy living, to registered dieticians, etc. etc. The "WIAW: What I Ate Wednesday" posts are always fun - I mean, who doesn't want to see what other people eat!! No? Maybe we're just weird....well if you're weird too, enjoy this post of what I ate throughout the day yesterday! Disclaimer: no fancy pics here because I don't walk around with my Nikon #iphonealltheway
5:15AM - after perusing social media messages and emails since 4:45, I'm out of bed, dressed and getting ready to head downstairs for a workout. A little preworkout to help get me going :)

Right before leaving for work, I make my Shakeology as my post-workout meal. This morning's was Chocolate with almond milk, fiber supplement, greens supplement, PB2, and caramel extract blended with ice to perfection! YUM!
It's about 9:15AM and I'm not hungry but know I have two meetings back to back and to avoid hunger striking during them, I go ahead and eat my morning meal. This is 85% grassfed ground beef with 1/2 cup of organic black beans.
The Shakeology and morning meal do a great job of holding me over until 12:15, then it's time for lunch! Today it's a cup of zuccini and red bell peppers (satueed in coconut oil with sea salt and pepper), 1/2 cup of Indian Basmati white rice, 4 oz of extra lean beaf round chunks, and 2 TBSP of homemade Yum Yum Sauce. *nom nom nom nom*
Afternoon snack #1 around 2ish, Greek yogurt!
Afternoon snack #2 around 3:30 (on this day, I was teaching TurboKick at 6pm, so I wanted a little something to make me satiated). 1/4 cup of roasted salted almonds with 1 oz of colby jack cheese squares.
And to get me amped up to give my TurboKick class ALL I got, a little double-espresso iced coffee with almond milk (1 serving).
Since it's a double-workout day (with my own morning workout then teaching at night), I mix up some aminos to sip on while I teach Turbo!
Once I'm back home, Baby E helps me eat this dinner of 1 cup honey-coconut roasted sweet taters, 4 oz of grilled chicken breast and 2 strips of bacon.
And for "dessert", two gluten-free buckwheat and berry waffles with a TBSP of honey drizzled on top!

See, I'm pretty normal right?! Good quality food, but nothing super strict or crazy! This came out to 2,167 calories (45% carbs, 30% fat, and 25% protein). I have to eat a lot since I burn a lot...which the foodie in me LOVES (for example, my calorie burn just for my exercising and teaching this day was 1,161 calories). I'm not saying this is how any/everyone should eat (nutrition is such a personalized thing!) but I figured it might satisfy some curiosity for some folks! :)
Also - besides the 8oz of iced coffee, the only thing I drank was water. 128 oz (1 gallon).
In Health,
Lindsay (and Tim in spirit!)
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