So as most of you know, Lindsay has been a Team Beachbody coach for a few years now. For the majority of those years, I have been extremely skeptical of that whole process. I had the same reaction that most people have to a multi-level marketing company. Some of those reactions included: “That’s just another pyramid scheme!” “That’s too gimmicky!” However, over the last few months, I’ve changed my mind about this company.
My mindset started to shift when I found Bodybeast, which is an at home bodybuilding type program from Beachbody. Before this workout program, I was never a real DVD workout fan. I started that program and did it in totality. I loved it. During this time, I also started to be much more diligent about having Shakeology daily. It not only tastes amazing but it is all natural and its ingredients are sourced from high quality verified farms. It has a whole host of benefits but the main reason I drink it, is to ensure that I’m getting what I am missing from my normal diet. It is like drinking a multi-vitamin. So, the products started to sell me on the company. I went ahead and signed up as a coach because we were killing some Shakeology each month and wanted the discount. And so it begins....
Each year, Beachbody has what they call their Coach Summit. Lindsay had wanted to go for a couple of years but it was never really been close to us. Last year, they announced it was coming to Nashville so she signed us up. We drove to Nashville to attend this summit and it was a truly amazing experience. From beginning to end, it is clear that Beachbody truly cares about their coaches. The whole weekend was spent giving back to them. This wasn’t the biggest selling point for me though. It was being around 25,000 other like-minded individuals who truly cared about the people they are helping. The overall theme of the weekend was Every One Matters. They lived that slogan throughout the weekend and its clear that everyone in the company from top to bottom believe in that motto daily. The other thing that blows me away about this company is that they truly exist to help people. Each of their products is designed to lead somebody to a healthier life. They offer a vast array of products and you’d be hard pressed to not find a product that works for you. After this weekend, I am completely blown away by this company and can't wait to have others share this company with me.
After listening to Dewitt Jones speak at Summit, it is clear to me that my passion for helping others needs to be rerouted. I have spent the last 10 years in public safety, which is a reactive line of work. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy doing public safety, but I feel like my passion is helping others before their life becomes a crisis. I am committed to helping others find their best self and maximizing their potential. Beachbody will be one of the main vehicles I use in helping people achieve their best. Please reach out to me if you need help on your journey. I am here to help.
In health,