Hello there! The Lindsay-half of Fit with Farrar today :)
The two of us are
For the past couple of years, we've grown our knowledge, focus, and interest in health and fitness, and it has and continues to spread out over various mediums.
We take for granted that most people are paying attention and can keep up with our goings-ons, when in reality, that's not
Thus - this blog post to help clarify!! YAY bullet points!
1. Fit with Farrar is OUR brand. The term was coined in 2010, initially developed to solely be Lindsay's project and focus on her Beachbody journey. Admittedly, it fell to the way-side for a while, but in March 2012, we decided to take a new direction with it and turn it into what you see today!
2. Speaking of Beachbody - yes, I (Lindsay) am and will continue to be an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Beachbody programs CHANGED MY LIFE and I continue to use several of them on a regularly basis (not to mention drink Shakeology every day). The company is absolutely top-notch, the products are like nothing else in the at-home workout market, and I love being a part of their mission to end the trend of obesity. Annnddd, let's be real - the extra income is a bonus ;-) If you're ever interested in the income part, don't hesitate to contact me!
3. We are not (yet) licensed or certified in nutrition or personal training. We do have a considerable amount of knowledge about both, but we never want anyone to have the wrong impression. We've found that most people don't give a rat's ass that we aren't certified and still want to work with us, BUT - this post is for clarification. So there you go. Note: We both will be getting certified in the near future, and at that point, we will likely start charging for our services (take-home point: get us for free while you can! kidding, kinda)
4. Our mindset has been and continues to be this: not one type of working out is going to work for everyone and not one type of eating is going to work for everyone. We are focused on individuals and finding what works for them and their individual needs. While we love Beachbody programs and Crossfit, that doesn't mean that's all we can help you with. Our knowledge is pretty vast (and always growing), so please don't think we will pigeon-hold you or that we can't help you because you don't like the stuff we like.
So to summarize (because I love a good summary): Fit with Farrar is a passion we share that we are growing into a business. We think of ourselves as coaches/mentors and will soon have the certifications to back it up. We can help you with virtually anything and everything related to health, fitness, and nutrition: from recommending a workout program, to having you locals come to our house and workout with us, to helping you find a nutrition/meal plan that will help you make the life change. We're here. We want to help.
Love you guys! Thank you for all the support!
In Health,
Lindsay (and Timothy is spirit!)