In December, we moved back to our hometown and since doing so, we've had a renewed energy in helping others with their health and fitness. It's been interesting to see how people are reacting so far, and here are some of the big points of our conversation about this:
- People think because they aren't "as fit as us" that they can't workout with us or do similar workouts - NOT TRUE! Every workout, every move, can be modified! Do YOUR best! And keep in mind, we've been doing this for a few years now....STICK WITH IT, it will get easier!
- You can't just workout a couple times a week, or be really on schedule for a week or two, then give up because "it's too hard" or you're "too sore" or you're "not seeing results." BE COMMITTED - decide what you're starting this journey for (whether it's to be a better partner, better parent, to resolve medical issues related to being overweight, or just straight up vanity) and keep that in the forefront of your mind. When it gets tough (and it will), when life gets hectic (and it always is), STAY FOCUSED.
- All too often, folks fall into this all-or-nothing mind will set you up for failure!! Take it slow, with your workouts and your nutrition. Build up your stamina with your workouts....aim to push yourself a little harder each time. With your nutrition, cut back on the bad stuff little by little instead of jumping right into an unsustainable low calorie rabbit food diet. CONSISTENCY is the most important part of the equation!
- And the biggest take-away from our conversation was the hardest pill for US to swallow: we can't....we absolutely CANNOT want it for you. As bad as we want you to get healthy, as fearful as we are for your high blood pressure and diabetes risk-factors, our influence will only go so far. Making the change all relies on you. We want to be there every step of the way, giving you whatever support and knowledge you need, but YOU have to decide this is what you want and YOU have to put in the effort day-in and day-out.
In Health,
Lindsay & Timothy