Thursday, September 18, 2014

Accepting Your Body Type

The "thigh gap" and the subsequent "anti-thigh gap" movements have brought to light some important information: one's thigh gap (or lack thereof) is mostly related 3 things: the structure of your pelvis, the width of your hips, and the size of your adductor (inner thigh) muscles. Seeing this in the blogosphere and social media helped me personally come to some realizations of my own regarding body type and realistic goals.

Let me explain: I (Lindsay) am of average height and athletic frame. Ever since the days of middle/high school sports physicals, if you just looked at my weight, you would assume I was overweight, but in reality, I carry a lot of muscle on my frame = density = weight! Fast-forward to adult life and I'm the girl who's BMI says I'm considerably overweight, borderline OBESE, but I'm a size 4-6. That's my body type! That is structurally how I'm built.

Current me. No filters!
So, much like the thigh gap debate - me trying to look like these tiny, petite "fitness" models on Pinterest is setting myself up for a losing battle. I'm built more like a Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet or an Erin Stern. SO - instead of fighting my genetics, I'm rolling with them!

We are all shaped differently (and that's a beautiful thing). And we can all ALWAYS make ourselves better - and we'll be most successful when we work with what we've got!

In Health,

Lindsay and Tim
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P.S. - we know some trolls are bound to make comments about comparisons - I find the women I mentioned above to be beautiful role models for health and fitness and I am inspired by them. If you are not, that's fine - troll somewhere else :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

To Try or Not to Try

As personal trainers/lifestyle fitness coaches, we're constantly learning. Yes, some of it is staying abreast of the latest "going-ons" in the world of nutrition and exercise, but we're learning that our clients are serving as the greatest continuing education opportunities. One lesson they're teaching us that we want to share with y'all today: those that try vs those that don't, and what it means in their journey.

We can certainly relate: trying something new is SCARY! But when you've committed to a process, you push past the scariness and you come out on the other side better for it! However, some people never push forward, the commitment then waivers, and no progress is made.

The folks that work with us who are "game for anything," they'll try anything we put in front of them, even if they're scared, don't think they'll like it, etc.....those folks are the ones we see the greatest progress in. Yep, some of the things we have them do they don't like, and that's okay, because they tried! It's those that never try because of fear, because of whatever is holding them back, that fall into this place of stagnation where they stop seeing growth, start to get discouraged, and begin to waiver/fall off.

Moral of the story: at least try it might find something you really like! And if you try it and afterwards are like "Nope, I don't like it..." FINE! You tried! Just move on and keep trying :)

In Health,

Tim and Lindsay
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